Yoga inspired altered box

Hello lovely people!

Today I’d like to show you an altered MDF box I made for a lovely yogi lady. She wanted a storage box for her incense sticks and I accepted the challenge. Yes, it was quite a challenge for me. Probably all you creative people know the feeling when you know how something should look, you have the picture in your head, but you don't really know how to achieve this look. Well, eventually after some pondering I found my way :) 

For this project, I picked up an MDF box measuring 30 /20 /12 cm

Next I painted the base with gesso which works as a primer and cut out of cardstock the little chakra symbols. These were painted with gesso as well.

Then I started mixing and layering different acrylic paints to achieve this aged look of the surface.

 I also glued tissue paper to the lid of the box to give some texture to the part where the chakra symbols will be laying and again some primer and paint. 
Next I assembled all the parts, added some sequins to complete the Eastern look, one more layer of varnish and ……..tada!!!!! the box is done J

Below you can check out some more close up pictures.

Thank you very much for stopping by and wish you a wonderful, full of creativity day!



  1. Страхотна е станала :) Много ми харесва :)

    1. Благодаря, Гери! Аз също много харесвам нещата, които правиш :)

  2. Харесва ми крайния резултат, даже много. Съчетанието на този нюанс на синьото с дървото създава усещане за топлина и ведрост.

    1. Благодаря, Кати! Радвам се, че съм успяла да предам усещането за топлина. Следя нещата, които правиш и за мен е истинска чест, да получа такъв коментар точно от теб.

  3. Lovely work. Thank you for joining the challenge at More Mixed Media. Hope to see you again next time.
